2-Cycle Oil Products


Lucas Synthetic Marine 2-Stroke Oil is a premium 2-Stroke lubricant suitable for both outboards and personal watercraft.

Lucas developed this new 2-Cycle engine oil specifically for racing and other demanding applications. It is great for all high RPM and high compression applications such as Dirt Bikes, Quads and Go-Karts.

Lucas High Performance Semi-Synthetic 2-Cycle Land & Sea Oil TC-W3 has been specifically developed for Motorcycles, ATVs, Go Karts, Personal Watercraft, Outboards, Snowmobiles, Weed Eaters and Chain Saws. Mix ratio is 50:1.

Lucas Synthetic 2-Cycle Snowmobile has been formulated with a special blend of synthetic oils and a low ash additive package to lower exhaust emissions.

Lucas Synthetic Blend 2-Cycle Marine oil has been specifically formulated to address the performance requirements of water cooled 2-cycle outboards and personal watercraft.